Angel 4×06: Spin The Bottle

[Review by Fray-Adjacent]

[Writer: Joss Whedon | Director: Joss Whedon | Aired: 11/10/2002]

“Spin the Bottle” breaks the fourth wall. This happens through Lorne, who addresses the audience, tells the story, and comments throughout on themes and moments of irony, tragedy, and humor. Thankfully, the episode doesn’t explicitly draw attention to the fictitious nature of the story, except in one funny moment when Lorne makes fun of TV commercials. Breaking the fourth wall is a popular gimmick in postmodern storytelling, though it dates back further than that. It’s common enough in the work of Shakespeare, who Whedon admires and even references at the end of this episode, when Lorne sarcastically says, “all’s well that ends well.” Like “Spin the Bottle”, the play that Lorne referenced is one that combines both tragedy and comedy.

At its best, breaking the fourth wall can be funny or can add extra dimensions to themes, expand on the audience’s connection to characters, and so forth. At its worst, it’s a cheap excuse to fall back on overused tropes while making jokes about them, allowing the artist to avoid the risk of delving into real emotion. Fortunately for us, in this case the breaking of the fourth wall heightens the emotion of “Spin the Bottle.” For most of the episode, it simply adds to the humor. But in the final scenes, the lighting, music, and filming of Lorne’s narration give the viewer a sense of looming tragedy despite the largely humorous story. As usual, Andy Hallet does a hauntingly beautiful job portraying the solemn Lorne who’s in over his head with the pain, suffering, and constant conflict that his relationship with Angel Investigations (AI) brings him. These moments provide some excellent build-up to the Season 4 arc, although unfortunately that arc fails to deliver in many ways.

Whedon also seems to use the narration scenes to comment on the serialized structure of Season 4 as a whole. At the end of Lorne’s tale, when he’s hinted at a dark ending awaiting our characters, a member of the audience shouts, “finish it!” Lorne solemnly responds, “always leave ‘em wanting more.” Indeed, Season 4 has at this point already become a series of cliffhangers.

Like much of Season 4, the episode picks up (after Lorne’s introduction) where the previous one left off: Angel and Cordelia, talking in the courtyard. Cordy, suffering from amnesia, just asked Angel if they were in love before she left at the end of Season 3. His answer, “I don’t know,” begins to dig up the tragic unfairness of “Tomorrow” [3×22]. I find this short scene pretty moving, in large part because the writers don’t lean too heavily on the Angel/Cordy romance, but instead on the total loss of their friendship since her ascent to a higher plane and his descent the sea floor. Angel tells Cordy, “all I know is that you were my dearest friend. And I hope that—I just— I want that back. That much, at least.” Angel never got to find out how Cordy felt about him. He will at the end of this episode, in a bitter moment that mirrors the beginning of the episode and caps off his isolation and betrayal from all sides. This isolation, and the unfairness of it all, is a prominent theme in “Spin the Bottle.”

Since “Sleep Tight” [3×16], Angel has lost one loved one after another in a dizzying sequence of losses and betrayals, each of which, from his perspective, came out of nowhere. First Wesley kidnapped Connor who, upon returning, hated Angel and referred to Holtz as “father.” After Holtz’s death, Angel believed that Connor had finally come around to accepting him. Instead, Connor attacked him and sunk him to the bottom of the sea. After Wesley rescued him, Angel discovered that Cordy had gone missing, and even when she returned she had no memory of Angel and even rejected him, choosing to stay with Connor instead and accusing Angel of being a stalker.

The post-spell events in “Spin the Bottle” capture this feeling through Angel’s experience of discovering that he is a vampire, trying to hide it initially, and dealing with everyone’s reactions once they find out. Lorne introduces this theme in his narration, asking the audience “is there anything worse than feeling like you’re all alone?” When Angel first discovers that he has no reflection, then feels his bumpy vamp face, he says, “I’m a vampire. They’re gonna kill me.”

Angel tries to hide his true nature from the group, but eventually everyone turns on him. This is when he begins to change and goes on the offensive. He calls the AI crew hypocrites for attacking him. Once again, everyone is turning on him even though he’s done nothing wrong. Angel deals with the injustice of it all by turning on them and, once he rediscovers his vampire strength and speed, he actually becomes threatening. This leads to the brief Cordelia chase scene and his confrontation with Connor, who Angel doesn’t know is his son. Angel tells Connor that he “didn’t ask to be attacked,” once again drawing parallels between the events in this episode and the larger attacks and betrayals from friends and family that Angel has been coping with for the past year.

This scene also draws parallels between Angel’s relationship with Connor and Liam’s relationship with his own father. The full line that I quoted from above was, “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to be attacked. I didn’t ask to be a freak. Hell, I didn’t even ask to be born.” All of this certainly resonates with Connor, as does Angel’s complaints about his father being “a self-righteous #######.” However, this is about as deep as this episode goes in exploring the father-son dynamic between Angel and Connor.

There’s another interesting line in this little scene. Angel tells Connor, “Truth to tell, I’m not much for fighting. I’d rather be satisfying my sinful urges with the Chase girl.” This reminds the audience that Liam was lazy and self-indulgent, and that this trait expressed itself in Angelus through his pursuit of easy and pleasurable kills. Even after getting his soul, Angel spent the first 100 years brooding, revolting against his previous self, but rarely fighting. The few times that he tried ended badly, and he gave up easily. It was only through his relationship with Buffy and subsequent lessons in the first couple of seasons of Angel that Angel became a true fighter. This short line is a nice reminder of how far Angel has come, and links thematically back to Lorne’s singing of “The Way We Were” at the beginning of the episode.

This contrast between how the characters are now compared to how they used to be is the primary theme of “Spin the Bottle.” This is why resurrecting their seventeen year-old selves, while making no sense plot-wise, is a decent move character-wise. The spell-gone-wrong gives the writers and viewers a chance to reflect on how the characters have grown and changed over recent years. After the spell starts, the viewers see many of the same character conflicts play out even though the characters are behaving very differently.

The effect of these conflicts, both season-wide and within “Spin the Bottle”, is to isolate the characters. The spell itself accomplishes this too, since afterward none of the characters knows each other. The isolation the characters experience in this episode resonates thematically throughout this season and the series as a whole. The Angel Investigations crew falls apart, or nearly does, multiple times throughout the series because its members fail to turn to each other for help when they have a problem and instead seek to solve it on their own. This happens on Buffy as well, but on Angel our characters reach a whole new level of isolation and resulting group dysfunction. And Season 4 is the time when this isolation is at its peak. By the end, every character has grown more distant from the others, with the exception of Wesley, who has rejoined the group but still is never as close as he was in the early days.

For Gunn, this episode marks the beginning of feeling relegated to the role of “muscle.” After he figures out that Wesley helped Fred work out her plan to kill professor Seidel in “Supersymmetry” [4×05], he tells Wesley “killing takes brains.” Gunn’s insecurities around education come up again after the spell, when he rolls his eyes after Wesley asks him what school he attends. Seventeen year-old Gunn was homeless, eating trash, and living in constant danger of being killed by the vampires that he and his crew fought. Now, seventeen year-old Gunn reacts angrily against what he calls “[waking] up with a bunch of insane white folks trying to tell me what to do. The day I take orders from guys like you is the— day I—not even gonna happen. “ This moment connects Gunn’s emerging angst about being the “muscle” to his prior conflicts about abandoning his old crew. It’s easy to imagine Season 4 Gunn, reflecting on who he used to be, and wondering how he could have left his own people only to become the “muscle” taking orders from people who he increasingly sees as devaluing his abilities.

The first open confrontation between Gunn and Wesley over Fred gives us the (in?)famous Wesley line, “I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me.” “Spin the Bottle” offers a marked contrast between the Wesley that Buffy the Vampire Slayer introduced and the one we see now. The contrast is most stark in the second confrontation between Gunn and Wesley post-spell, a moment that reflects back on their first standoff earlier in the episode. They face each other in the same way, with Gunn standing threateningly over Wesley. But instead of drawing a weapon and forcing Gunn to back down, Wesley comically performs some decidedly unthreatening karate until the knife pops out again, surprising himself more than anyone. The mirroring of these two moments in “Spin the Bottle” highlights Wesley’s series-long development. However, that’s most of what happens for Wesley in this episode – his character isn’t developed so much as reflected upon.

Similarly, for Cordy, this episode doesn’t offer much in the way of development, but we do get a refreshing jolt of the old Cordelia. In fact, this is arguably the only episode in all of Season 4 where the audience sees the real Cordelia, and even then it’s a Cordelia who only existed in the first season of Buffy and never on Angel. However, we do also see a hint of her old personality before the spell, when she tells Angel, regarding whether they were in love, “now, I think that’s the sort of thing I’d remember. Hey, maybe you wrote it down somewhere—a note on the fridge, maybe?”

This brings me to the topic of comedy in “Spin the Bottle.” Much of the comedy is situational and loses its fun on multiple viewings. This is where “Spin the Bottle” loses many of its points: for a comedy, it’s just not that funny. Still, the humor is a welcome respite from the drama and tragedy of late Season 3 and most all of Season 4, most notably with Alexis Denisof’s fantastic physical comedy. He easily resurrects the Wesley of Buffy Season 3 and Angel Season 1, and adds on another layer of seventeen year-old silliness. Denisof most definitely carries the comedy of this episode. It’s also a little fun to see Charisma Carpenter bring back teenage Cordelia’s acerbic character. She’s got some hilarious moments, which (unfortunately for the quotes section of this review) are great primarily for her delivery rather than for the writing itself. The same goes for Angel/Liam’s reactions both to the 21st Century and to being a vampire.

“Spin the Bottle” offers much in the way of character reflection – we see just how much the characters have developed and changed over time. It also offers a new angle on many of their conflicts by recreating them through the interactions of their seventeen year-old selves. However, apart from initiating Gunn’s “muscle” angst, which propels much of his development for the rest of the series, it doesn’t do a lot to develop the characters. It does develop the season’s plot in an important way by enabling Jasmine to begin to take control of Cordelia (though how this happens never gets explained). As far as comedy goes, it definitely isn’t Joss Whedon’s best work, though as usual I enjoy watching his unique directing style. It also does quite a nice job of setting up a feeling of doom and even tragedy in this opening volley to the Season 4 arc. It’s too bad that, like the early episodes of Buffy Season 7, the potential opened up here doesn’t get the follow through it deserves.

“Spin the Bottle” ends with a final haunting reminder of the characters’ aloneness. The episode’s last spoken line is Cordelia confirming to Angel that they were in love – but that time is long gone. The final shot however, is Lorne walking through the bar, away from the stage. Though we still hear the mumbled conversation of the bar guests, we see now that all the tables are empty, and perhaps were all along.


Minor Pros/Cons (+/-)

+ Brief but important follow up on the events in “Supersymmetry” [4×05] from Fred, Gunn, and Wesley’s perspective.
+ Seventeen year-old Cordelia says “hello salty goodness” the first time she sees Angel – the same thing she said in Buffy’s “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date” .
+ The decision to keep Angel’s American accent instead of forcing Boreanaz to do a bad Irish accent for most of the episode.
+ Seventeen year-old Fred was a paranoid stoner! Ha ha!
+ I appreciated the reference to Buffy’s “Helpless” .

– We never really get a full explanation of why the spell went wrong or why it had the specific effect that it did.
– I’m not amused by the joke where Angel thinks cars are demons. However, his delivery of the line describing the demons to Wesley (“shiny”) saves this joke from total failure.
– I don’t buy that seventeen year-old Fred would trust Lorne enough to untie him and eat his magic powder.


* When Connor saves a prostitute from a vampire, she at first offers to “repay” him, but then rejects him when he doesn’t have any money. She says, “You still don’t ride free, junior. Why don’t you run home to mama? Maybe she’ll give you a special treat for being such a good boy.” Especially in combination with a similar moment with Cordelia later in the episode, this foreshadows the ickiest sex in the Buffyverse, which takes place in the next episode, “Apocalypse, Nowish” [4×07].



35 thoughts on “Angel 4×06: Spin The Bottle”

  1. [Note: Seán posted this comment on March 27, 2011.]

    Awesome review, Fray! I agree that one of “Spin the Bottle”‘s biggest failures is its situational comedy – which is amusing enough but not enough to put it up there with other great Angel (and Buffy) episodes!

    I never considered the hidden depths “Spin the Bottle” has. Okay, the Lorne stuff had me thinking but I never considered Angel turning on the gang because they turned on him as a parallel situation with life turning on him in late S3 and most of S4. Great points!

    I’m really impressed with everyone’s reviews so far. I hope I can match that talent with my “Sacrifice” review which I’ll be working on very soon.

    So glad to see this site up and running with new reviews again!


  2. [Note: Giles_314 posted this comment on March 27, 2011.]

    Great review, Fray!

    I like that you point out the odd beginning of Gunn’s “muscle” thing is in this episode. I do still think that it came mostly out of nowhere, but after your analysis it makes a bit more sense.

    My biggest disappointment in this episode is Fred. This episode could have been the perfect place to really take a look at her (underdeveloped) character. How has she changed since she was 17? What was she like before she got sent to Pylea? Instead, we get a bunch of lines about aliens and weed. While I appreciate the humor, and think that Amy Acker is totally hilarious in her delivery, I can’t help but notice the missed opportunity.

    I really like that the episode breaks the fourth wall. I love Lorne, and I love the idea that he is just telling the story one night in an abandoned night club, feigning as though he has an audience. The final shot of him walking away is one of my favorite moments on Angel.


  3. [Note: buffyholic posted this comment on March 28, 2011.]

    Really good, Fray. I feel this is an overrated episode but your review have given me so much more to think about. Nex time I rewatch S4, I´ll keep your review in mind.


  4. [Note: fray-adjacent posted this comment on March 28, 2011.]

    Thanks all! Seán, I look forward to your review! Giles, good point about yet another missed opportunity for Fred-development. That hadn’t occurred to me, and it would have been great to learn a little more about pre-Pylea Fred.

    Buffyholic, I wasn’t sure how highly the fans regard this episode. What I usually hear is, “it’s pretty funny, but not as funny as “Tabula Rasa.”‘ I definitely agree, but when I started working on my review I realized that other aspects of the episode were holding my interest more than the humor was.


  5. [Note: G1000 posted this comment on March 28, 2011.]

    This episode’s always struck me as a bit overrated, simply because it really is “Tabula Rasa”: The Sequel. It’s good, fun stuff. But nothing special. Though I’ll admit it’s one of the better season 4 episodes.


  6. [Note: Iguana-on-a-stick posted this comment on March 30, 2011.]

    Not that I need a great deal of convincing when it comes to Alexis Denisov’s talents, but I’d not considered just how much of this episode’s humour derives from his performance. Good point. Cordy also had some good lines, but Wesley was fun even on when the lines weren’t that special.

    Fred was also mildly entertaining as paranoid pot-head, but all in all this never was an episode I looked forward to re-watching that much. Not like Tabula Rasa.

    I was a bit surprised to see this was a Whedon written and directed episode. And that’s not really a compliment.

    Anyway, good review Fray. And I’m impressed with your output speed. Some of us could learn from that, I think… *shifty expression*


  7. [Note: fray-adjacent posted this comment on March 30, 2011.]

    Ack! Your comment made me realize I misspelled Denisov’s name in my review. Oh well.

    As for output speed, I won’t be writing all these reviews in one week a piece, but I do intend to keep up some momentum, since I’ve committed to three more.

    It occurs to me that the Angel Completion Project has the potential to, um, complete Angel more quickly than would probably happen with just one reviewer.


  8. [Note: Iguana-on-a-stick posted this comment on March 30, 2011.]

    Actually, uh, I was the one who misspelled it. It’s “Denisof” according to IMDB. And I misspelled it in my “Lineage” review.

    I think I should turn in my fan-badge. Damnit.


  9. [Note: Suzanne B posted this comment on April 11, 2011.]

    I know it’s been said, but it ought to be repeated, great review!

    I know many Whedon fans compare this episode to Tabula Rasa, and while I’ll not add to that discussion, I just wanted to point out that they are both basically comedies that end on a very somber note. I always found that interesting.

    Hoping to get more Angel reviews soon!


  10. [Note: fray-adjacent posted this comment on April 14, 2011.]

    Thanks Suzanne! I agree that “Spin the Bottle” and “Tabula Rasa” share a lot of similarities. It might have been interesting to go into that, but in the interest of length I decided to focus on StB on its own and as it fit in the season and series. Besides, Buffyverse shows are always rehashing old plots and re-using basic structures — how many Buffy episodes open with her patrolling a graveyard? It is the character development and thematic explorations that make Buffy and Angel great, and in those respects I’m not sure StB and TR are all that similar.


  11. [Note: buffyholic posted this comment on April 16, 2011.]

    fray, I rewatched the episode yesterday and thanks to your review, I focused on other serious aspects that I hadn´t before. I also laughed more but still think that it´s overrated.

    But thanks!


  12. [Note: fray-adjacent posted this comment on April 18, 2011.]

    I guess I wouldn’t call it overrated, not because I think it’s really great, but because I haven’t seen much in the way of unqualified praise from the fandom. Then again, my exposure to the AtS fandom is pretty much limited to this site.

    But anyway, thanks for the kind words, and I’m glad my review gave you new things to think about when watching the episode. I know other folks’ reviews have really done that for me.


  13. [Note: Keaton posted this comment on October 15, 2011.]


    “This is a clarion call for

    snippety, Princess Charles.

    -It’s Wesley, thank you, Wyndam-Price.

    -I am from the Watcher’s

    Academy in southern Hampshire.

    -In fact, I happen to be head boy.

    -Gee, I wonder how you

    earned that nickname.

    -A lot of effort, I don’t mind saying.

    Still rolling on the floor laughing! XD

    Don’t have much to write about the review, I have some difficulties to emotionally invest into the plot at the beginnging of S04, Cordy’s mind going blank isn’t really interesting and all that drama about portals (Why exactly did they introduce Fred’s professor? Nothing really new there…) is way too far away from amything real to make me care but it is somewhat entertaining.


  14. [Note: Keaton posted this comment on October 15, 2011.]

    Ok, one thing about the review (Ryan style, I guess you people just loooove analyzing this show 😉 ):

    “for a comedy, it’s just not that funny.”

    Sry, but this is one of the funniest episodes this far on Angel, it’s nearly like watching Scrubs. Love it!


  15. [Note: Keaton posted this comment on October 15, 2011.]

    Sry, didn’t mean to spam comments again, but there is one thought I wanted to share about why this episode is so much fun for me:

    It doesn’t have anything to do with anything around it, it’s like a standalone comedy episode with the best features of all the characters. Cordy is mean again (YAY! as long as it’s just for this episode^^), Angel isn’t boring but evil again (and amusingly confused), Wes is stiff and pompous (Watcher counsil head boy *gg*) again, Gunn is not just reduced to be Fred’s love interest but brave, reckless and looking for trouble again and Fred, well, Fred is even cuter and geekier than normal.

    And they really use that to its fullest to deliver great comedy!

    That’s all this episode is about and I’m pretty sure I will stand to that until the end of S05.

    Btw, this episode didn’t deliver anything new for me characterwise, we already knew that Cordy was in love with Angel and we also knew enough about Liam before this episode.


  16. [Note: Keaton posted this comment on October 15, 2011.]

    Ok, sry, Angel isn’t evil, he is Liam and hunts because he thinks that’s what he is supposed to do.

    You could really use an edit feature…

    Last comment in a row, I promise 😉


  17. [Note: Lelio posted this comment on October 28, 2011.]

    The one thing that I don’t get is why Cordelia didn’t know Angel. I mean, Angel was already around when she was 17.

    You’d think she’d remember him, considering she kept trying to steal him away from Buffy.

    Other than that, I loved this episode. 17 year old Weasley is the funniest thing since Randy Giles.


  18. [Note: Alex posted this comment on October 31, 2011.]

    I’ve always wondered that too. She uses the exact same line when she first sees him as she did when she first saw him in Buffy – ‘hello, salty goodness’ – which I guess is supposed to show that she’s seeing him for the first time again. But if she’s meant to be 17 then she should already know him. I’m pretty sure she was 16 when she first met him – unless she was a little older than Buffy to begin with.

    It does feel very sloppy, especially because there’s no reason why they could have made them all revert to their 15 or 16 year old selves with the same hilarious results.


  19. [Note: SueB posted this comment on January 25, 2012.]

    I really like the insights you provide. Spin The Bottle has never been a favorite of mine, I guess I just thought Alexis was a little too over the top. But your insights on Angel and fighting are something I hadn’t considered.

    I must say my favorite moment was the Cordy scream and Angel’s “that IS inhuman”.


  20. [Note: Jen posted this comment on July 29, 2012.]

    That’s a wonderful review. I have to say when I watched it I didn’t put many thoughts in it.

    Well, what I don’t get is does Angel and Cordelia really love each other in a romantic way? I mean, at the beginning when Cordelia asked Angel if they were in love, Angel said he didn’t know, then in the end he looked really upset when Cordelia told him they “were” in love. It’s just a bit confusing.


  21. [Note: StakeandCheese posted this comment on October 24, 2012.]

    I just rewatched it and I think one great scene that really gets overlooked because it’s played for laughs is when Wesley tries to hold Angel off of Fred and Cordy. It’s pretty damn brave of him. I love how even goofy, comic relief young Wesley is willing to sacrifice his life to protect the innocent when push comes to shove.


  22. [Note: Dave posted this comment on December 27, 2012.]

    Just rewatched this. I enjoyed how Fred goes straight to the plant and starts stroking it, when Illyria spent a great deal of time talking to plants.


  23. [Note: nathan.taurus posted this comment on January 10, 2013.]

    Fray: Liam refers to cars as demons the same way that 18th century Buffy did in ‘Halloween’. Liam is also from the 18th century so makes the same conclusion.

    The Good:

    -The commentary for the episode with Joss and Alexis.

    -Cordelia thinking the government gave her bad hair. She did it to herself.

    -Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. From the “karate” to his ability to remove his chin to his interactions with Winifred to his prat falls.

    -Cordelia noticing she has filled out even more and Fred realising she “ain’t gonna.”

    -Noticing how Alexis and David try not to look at each other so they don’t start laughing.

    -Liam wondering what good an in human scream is gonna do to save Cordelia.

    The Bad:

    -Making Winifred a stoner. I don’t buy it at all. I think it was done to add laughs and change her character but it came out forced to me.


  24. [Note: Josh Man posted this comment on December 23, 2013.]

    Cordy is 15. She says, “Is this a sophomore prank.” Which means she is 15 as she believes it to be the start of her sophomore year.


  25. [Note: FaithFanatic posted this comment on January 7, 2014.]

    Where Angel thinks cars are demons it is a reference to BtVS ‘Halloween’ (2×06) where Buffy thinks cars are demons.


  26. [Note: Luvtennis posted this comment on October 19, 2014.]

    Great episode. I think they all go back to before they had a destiny. For Cordy that would be 15. Her life changed when Buffy became the slayer even though they didn’t meet for another year.


  27. [Note: LouisLittForEmperor posted this comment on December 3, 2015.]

    Gunn punching Wesley after he thinks he’s the vampire (and the added racist subtext) is probably the funniest moment in the series outside of maybe Smile Time.


  28. [Note: LouisLittForEmperor posted this comment on December 3, 2015.]

    When I say that the racist subtext adds the the humour I meant that it makes Gunn’s reaction all the more amusing.


  29. [Note: unkinhead posted this comment on August 5, 2016.]

    This is probably Whedon’s worst episode…let me explain…

    Intense rock music over Connor fighting vampires:

    Vampire: “This isn’t your business kid!”

    Connor: “No…this is my bad mood!”

    *Connor beats up vampires, pulls out stake

    Connor: “This…is my business” *dusts vampire

    Base Episode Score: 85

    Demerits from Scene Above: -45000230599

    Total Episode Score: -45000230514/100

    Better luck next time Whedon


  30. Great review!

    Wes: I had my throat cut and my friends abandoned me.

    Gee, Wes, why don’t you rewind a bit more and tell us why those things happened, hmmmmmmmmmmm?

    When I watched this show in real time, I hated teenage Connor with a passion. This time through, on my first rewatch since the show was on, I’ve been trying to be more open minded regarding Connor. After all, he was raised in a hell dimension by a man who hates his father. There are things he doesn’t know, things he’s been lied to about. He’s bound to not understand everything. I found that I had a better understanding for Connor this time…until this episode.

    I hate Connor. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Some people hate other characters. Riley? Pfffffffft. Dawn? Pfffffffft. Riley and Dawn are lovable, interesting, engaging characters in comparison. I would rather watch a Riley-Dawn spinoff series compared to watching Connor.

    This episode he comes across Cordy screaming in the presence of Angel. He might notice that things are strange, take a little time to try to understand what’s happening. No. He’s all too happy to go try to kill Angel. Even after he and Angel talk and he can clearly see Angel is not himself, he still just wants to fight with him.

    Connor, go back to your hell dimension. Where’s that vampire cult? And how galling when Cordy decides she’d rather be with Connor than Angel? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!


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